Meet Our Team: Carrie O’Neill

Take a moment and meet on of our newest board members, Carrie!

 What is your day job? 

School Public Health Nurse, but currently managing teams with Olmsted county’s COVID response.

 When did you join the board? 

Fall 2020

 Why did you join the board? 

I’ve been a nurse for almost ten years and have had the opportunity to care for many patients diagnosed with cancer either at the bedside or through research.  When my brother was diagnosed with ALL almost 2 years ago, it hit differently. No family history, no warning signs, truly out of the blue and it was a struggle.  When RDR reached out to offer support, I cautioned him as it seemed “too good to be true”.  Then I did some research!  Not only had I worked with the founder on projects through Public Health, but one of my friends was on the board.  I was shocked that we had a group locally who just gave this type of support to patients, it is amazing!  When asked if I was interested in joining the board, during a pandemic while working crazy hours, I could not come up with a reason to say no.  Why would I not want to give back to my patients and be part of this amazing group?           

 If you could say one thing to patients battling blood cancers in Rochester, what would it be?  

RDR is here for you!

 What are your favorite free-time activities? 

Being with my family, reading, being outdoors with my kids. 

 What is your favorite quote? 

“Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like and celebrating it for everything that it is.”- Mandy Hale.

Also, “I like to think coffee needs me too.”



Meet Our Team: Peter Moen


Meet our Team: Ryan Plattenberger