Meet Our Team: Emily Brigham

Take a moment and get to know one of our most recent additions to our Board of Directors, Emily Brigham:

What is your day job?

Nurse Practitioner - Department of Hematology, Lymphoma group at Mayo Clinic

When did you join the board?

October 2020

Why did you join the board?

To help my patients and their families battling blood cancers by connecting them with an amazing local foundation. RDR strives to impact peoples lives during the times of stress and turmoil that surround cancer care.

If you could say one thing to patients battling blood cancers in Rochester, what would it be?

Cancer is just one chapter in your life - not the whole story.

What are your favorite free-time activities?

Spending time with my family - my husband, 2 kids and our dogs, traveling, crafting and trivia!!

What is your favorite quote?

“Not all who wander are lost. “ -J.R.R. Tolkien

Anything else you would like to share?

I love Disney world and love to help people plan vacations there!!!


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