Meet Our Team: Jennie Goble

Take a moment to meet our Board President, Jennie Goble!

What is your day job?

I am a Physician Assistant in Hematology at Mayo Clinic.

When did you join the board?

I have been involved with Red Drop Resources, in some capacity, since 2016.

Why did you join the board?

I see patients with blood cancer on a daily basis and I see the multiple challenges they face. It is my desire and responsibility to help fulfill non-medical needs as well as medical ones.

If you could say one thing to patients battling blood cancers in Rochester, what would it be?

This is a giant hurdle in your life. Let the community of Rochester gather around and lift you up during this time. It is our honor to be with you and help you during this difficult phase of your journey.

What are your favorite free-time activities?

I enjoy reading, doing puzzles, watching scary movies, and driving my fast car!

What is your favorite quote?

Laughter is the best medicine….unless you have diarrhea.

Anything else you would like to share?

It is an honor to be involved with Red Drop Resources and the amazing human beings that also serve the organization. As long as I am able, I will continue to support RDR and blood cancer patients in any capacity needed.


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