Meet Our Team: Brent Picker

Take a moment and learn a little about one of our newest board members, Brent Picker!

What is your day job?

Business Advisor at Think Bank in Rochester.

When did you join the board?

September of 2021.

Why did you join the board?

I have had both friends and family members affected by blood cancers, so this cause hits close to home for me. I thought this could be a small way for me to support those going through a trying time in life.

If you could say one thing to patients battling blood cancers in Rochester, what would it be?

There are many people and organizations in this community that want to offer their help and support to you during this difficult time. Seek and accept the help and support that is available, so that you can focus on taking care of yourself.

What are your favorite free-time activities?

Basketball, running, spending time with friends and family, and reading.

What is your favorite quote?

Love the life you live. Live the life you love.

Please extend a warm welcome to Brent, as we are extremely grateful to have him on our Board of Directors!


Meet Our Team: Jennie Goble


Amazing Nurses!!!